I MUST Wristbands

I MUST Wristbands

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"I MUST" wristbands come in a sets of 10

  • 10 Adult sized, 10 Youth sized, OR half-and-half

The goal of these wristbands is to simply wear 1 and share the remaining with others. You can also use them as graduation gifts from some of our programs.

These wristbands accomplish two main things:

  • They are a reminder for you to be about the Father's business by wearing it.
  • They are a tool to carry out the Great Commission by telling those you encounter the story of Jesus. When He was 12 he said, "I must be about My Father's business" (Luke 2:49 NKJV).

As you encounter people on a daily basis, be it family, friends, co-workers, or perfect strangers, they may see your wristband and ask about it, "I MUST what?" It is a non-aggressive way to initiate a conversation about Jesus! 

In turn, you can listen to their story, let the Holy Spirit speak to you, and then let the Holy Spirit speak through you! 

The beautiful thing about it is that you get to share the story of I MUST in your own unique way. God created you with your own unique and beautiful personality! Use it and share it!