In the past we have done many different things around this time of year. However, this year we wanted to give you something truly special. You see, this year we are going all out! This year we are offering you a completely free and brand new two part Video Christmas Special with Pastor Gregg Johnson. Who knows?! We may make it a yearly thing! Dare we say monthly? We are feeling very thankful this year and with that we wanted to lavish our love and appreciation on you this Christmas. All you need to do is click the link below to watch online or download the gift - no strings attached! It's a gift!
You may be saying to yourself, "Mary Christmas? I thought it was Merry Christmas." Well, in order to find out why we say "Mary", you are just going to have to check out the video series yourself. If you are a church leader with J12ers, make it part of your program in the coming weeks! If you are the head of your household, make it a time where your whole family comes together to watch and discusses it! If you are an individual, find a friend and watch it together! The point is, watch it! Make it fun! May it bring you and your family encouragement this Christmas Season!
These days are filled with turmoil and confusion, but we here at J12 want to emphasize to your spirit that the only hope for the world is Jesus Christ. He came, He died, He rose, and He commissioned all of us to let our light shine and like Mary, when told she would give birth to the Savior of the world, say, "Let it be!" This Christmas season, let your light shine before men so that they may worship your Perfect Father in Heaven and want to be about His Perfect business as well. Have yourself a very Mary Christmas!