"I think the seeds of desire for godliness were planted early in my life through my grandfather. When I was about eight years old, he gave me a chart with a bunch of Scripture references on it, and told me that if I memorized the list of Scriptures he would buy me a bicycle. I never got the bicycle because I never learned all the verses. There were over 200 of them! But I did get the point. If I would hide God's Word in my heart and mind I would experience what the Bible calls "good success" (Joshua 1:8) [...]
I am convinced the single most important factor in my teenage years was the development of a consistent devotional life. Those times spent in the presence of Jesus on a regular basis provided the foundation to be transformed by Jesus rather than be conformed to the world's system."

- The BBC, Bedroom Bible College Manual
Gregg Johnson


BBC from J12 on Vimeo.

