"This is the goal - that every tween we get to minister to will continue to increase in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man, just as defined in the 52nd verse of Luke chapter 2. These are the ingredients for a balanced and healthy life in body, soul, and spirit. The fact that the perfect Son of God increased in these qualities helps us all to realize that getting tweens to where they need to be in life is a process and a journey. We need not assume that by the time they leave our "tween specific" ministry they have arrived! Even Jesus had to increase... and so will our tweens. What we need to do as leaders is cultivate an atmosphere charged with the testimony of Jesus at 12 and expect the same results that Mary and Joseph had with their Son!"

- Excerpt from J12 Starter Pak

     In order for this current generation to be about their Father's business, knowing their "I MUST", it is our job to equip them. It is the work of the church to make disciples and what better way to do that than start with tomorrows leaders, our tweens.
